Leah Soldner

Dec 8, 20203 min

I Just Can't Zoom It Anymore

"Carol, your microphone is muted. ."

"No, it's button on the bottom, not that one Panith, the one over to your left."

"Ms. Elly, I can't hear a


"John, where did you go, turn your camera back on please."

"I can't see any link Mr. Tim! How do I log in?"

Does any of that sound familiar? We feel you. Zoom, currently the leading platform in digital communication and education, was once considered a new and novel way of teaching. With the effects of the ongoing Covid pandemic, schools are now planning their syllabus around it. The constant online chatter between parents, students and teachers has become the new norm, and as tech savvy as your child may be, everyone: Parents, teachers and students are developing "Zoom fatigue"

Since the start of the 2020 Corona pandemic, DK Schoolhouse was amongst the first schools to explore and integrate Zoom distance learning in Cambodia. Through trial and error, we developed a series of strategies to keep our students engaged. From our school community to yours, read on to find some practical hints and advice, and don't forget to scroll to the bottom to access a list of free activities in our #resourcehub

1. Maintain Routine

Even though school is on an online learning format, treat school days just as you would if your child was going to school. That means waking up on time, getting properly dressed, eating a healthy breakfast and assembling the materials needed for class.

Pro Tip: Have your child wear their #dkschoolhouseshirt or uniform, just as they would in regular class.

2. Check in With Your Child's Teacher

We know that many parents are unable to directly supervise their child's Zoom class, so having a means of communication with your child's teacher is absolutely crucial to keeping a pulse on their learning. At DK Schoolhouse we have a variety of online platforms available for parents to stay in touch with both the homeroom teacher, and the school community.

3. Create a Study Space.

Imagine your reaction if you found out your child studied in a classroom without a designated learning space. Unthinkable, right? The same applies to distance learning. You don't need a top of the line laptop or brand new headphones, but it will significantly advance your child's learning experience if they:

1. Have access to a PC or laptop. (Phones & Tablets tend to glitch easily on Zoom. They also allow for limited viewing, affecting your child's participation in the class.

. Use earphones or headphones. Even if your child is in a relatively quiet and undisturbed space, plugging into earphones helps them focus and "zoom in"on the topic at hand.

. Has the materials at hand for that day's lesson.

. Has a drink of water, visits the restroom and is otherwise free from distraction when it's time to log in.

4. Exercise! Make sure your child is getting enough exercise.

Just as they would in school, children need to move, stretch and have a break from learning in order to refocus. A recommended 15 minute break every 45 minutes gives your child a chance to "Wake up and shake up". Enforce this as a policy and make it fun, even if your child doesn't feel like getting up. Turn on some music and have a 5 minute dance party. Have them run in place for 60 seconds. Go outside and breath in some fresh air. Anything goes as long as they're moving!

5. Get involved.

It's hard to keep your child motivated with online learning if you don't know what's going on in class. DK Schoolhouse hosts a separate digital platform where parents can stay abreast of the curriculum, assignments and activities assigned to their child's class. If you feel the information isn't sufficient or you simply can't make sense of it, don't be afraid to ask for more details. "We're all in this together"may be the most overused phrase of 2020, but it's 100% true when it comes to coaching your child through their online classes.

6. Read The Rules

Every school is different and may have their own set of Zoom classroom rules. Make sure you know what the policies are for your child's 'Zoom Room' and go over the rules with them on a regular basis. You can see the DK Schoolhouse Zoom rules here:




















